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« : 29 Nisan 2016, 00:28:30 »

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Mais pas maintenant, parce que vous avez des choses in addition importantes à faire & quot;. Black Dragon dit. Puis illinois regarda le bord de la mort dans les mains nufactured non-forêt.! ! ! & quot; Oui, bien sûr, je vais aller sur united nations autre region pour reprendre tout appartient à moi & quot;. Lin Fei regardé couchers de soleil, serra les poings. Indépendamment père se 'vrrle rrtre décédé ou ne meurt pas,illinois va terminer ses exhortations, qui s'av'e rrtre often sioniste.: d & quot; Je crains cual ce ne s'av'e rrtre pas si simple non? Vous savez,illinois est united nations lieu nufactured rassemblement forte pour les personnes nufactured toutes les races sont présents, même si the state of illinois appartient nominalement à la famille humaine & quot;. 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« Yanıtla #1 : 06 Mayıs 2016, 21:23:31 »

The Olympic games

The success of Gary the gadget guy Hall Jr. in the 60 meter freestyle going swimming competition provides an important lesson to our land youth: Accomplish drugs, always be arrogant and behave horribly, and you can always be a hero so long as you win. The actual Associated Click reports in which Hall shared the precious metal with many other American Anthony Ervin through finishing the water sprint within 21.98 seconds. Dutchman Pieter van den Hoogenband won the bronze.

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Another National took the first steps of what she hopes will be a exciting run in the Olympics. Sprinter and pitchwoman Marion Jackson took to your track in a black cat suit and won her heat within the 100 meters. She has pledged to acquire five gold medals inside Sydney. Though many have called Johnson arrogant for her goal, sprinter Maurice Greene is a leading contender for your gold medallion in conceit. He did it, concluding in 12.30 seconds, fast enough to earn a spot within the semifinal.

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Though Johnson gets a lot more press stateside, Aussie runner Tabatha Freeman is the local favorite inside Sydney. The Australian Transmitting Corp. reports that this crowd roared their approval as she had been introduced prior to the 400 meter race. Freeman very easily qualified to the semifinal and is expected to win the particular gold in case. Her compete with, French athlete Marie Jose Perec, strangely fled Modern australia the day before your track levels of competition began. women softball crew started a unique comeback history with a victory over New Zealand, according to the California Post. Your Americans got lost about three tough game titles in a row at the Olympics, most in extra innings. team dived into showers fully clothed, chanting and vocal to drive absent the bad mood they blamed for their sacrificing streak. Evidently it worked well. voodoo is gone, stated team member Lisa Fernandez. prepared to rock roll.

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Russian Irina Karavaeva gained the rare metal in the very first gold medal awarded in a trampoline celebration. Though this is the first Olympic outing for trampoline game, the sport continues to be recognized inside other venues for decades; the first competitions ended up held in 1959. Trampoline masters disagree with those who jeer at the inclusion within the Olympics. a feasible sport together with any other sports activity, said Judy Wills Cline, the first world champ. is much, harder than it seems. They don know us all if they condemn us. As being a lot of men and women criticize ping pong and synchronized swimming. Trampoline safety may someday nike outlet store online shopping reach the levels of admiration now enjoyed by drinking water ballet and also Ping Pong.

Thus, so unfortunate

For those who choose to agony associated with defeat for the thrill involving victory, Reuters served up several sob stories about Friday. Defending 100 meter track winner Donovan Bailey finished dead last as part of his second spherical heat. Bailey may be suffering from a viral contamination. To demonstrate how far he's got fallen: Bailey collection a then world file in the Altlanta ga Games at 9.Eighty-four seconds. Feb 5th, his occasion was Eleven.36 just a few seconds. Another past Olympic champ, high jumper Charles Austin texas, also lost the chance to do it again when he couldn go higher than Two.20 feets in the being qualified round of his celebration. He won the rare metal medal within 1996 using a 2.Thirty-nine meter leap.

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« Yanıtla #3 : 06 Mayıs 2016, 21:46:00 »

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Üyelik Bilgileri Site
« Yanıtla #4 : 08 Mayıs 2016, 19:05:23 »

Shots fired at Cannes film festival

Marc Piasecki / Getty Images Contributor

CANNES, FRANCE   MAY 17: A man is taken away by the police after the reported sounds of gunshots were heard in front of the Martinez Hotel beach on May 17, 2013 in Cannes France.

CANNES, France   A man was arrested at the Cannes film festival on Friday after firing a starting pistol during a live TV broadcast on the palm lined waterfront, sending actors Christoph Waltz and Daniel Auteuil running for cover.

French TV station Canal+ was interviewing Austria's Oscar winning Waltz and French actor Auteuil live on its nightly news show from a beach front set before a crowd of spectators when a man fired two shots into the pandora jewelry 70% off clearance air.

"The bodyguards jumped over the barriers into the crowd and pulled him to the ground. The police arrived and told everyone to run because there was a grenade in his hand," witness Arthur Laiguesse told Reuters.

Raw video shows police in France rushing to arrest a homeless man who is accused of causing panic at the annual film festival in Cannes with a pellet gun and pandora charms cheap a pandora sale fake grenade.

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« Yanıtla #5 : 08 Mayıs 2016, 19:06:00 »

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