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« : 10 Nisan 2016, 17:29:41 »

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« Yanıtla #1 : 08 Mayıs 2016, 21:39:30 »

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Search New CarsSearch Pre Owned CarsVehicle ReviewsClassic Cars BlogThe Bike Blog"If we've learned anything tonight, it's that New Yorkers are as mad as hell, and we're not going to take it any more," Paladino told a crowd of hundreds, waving "Carl Country" signs and a large Tea Party banner.The wealthy real estate developer addressed Republicans who had supported former congressman : "You're welcome to join the people's crusade. . Come aboard, you're both welcome and needed. If we unite, we'll win. We'll re build New York."Then he shifted to attack his Democratic opponent, Attorney General ."Sadly, all Andrew offers us is 'status Cuomo,'" Paladino said. "The liberal elite are still calling me every name in the book. They say I'm too blunt. Well, I am   and I don't apologize for it. They say I'm an angry man, and that's true."The crowd roared. "We're all angry, not just because we woke up on the wrong side of the bed, we're angry about paying pandora 2016 the highest income taxes and property taxes in the nation and getting less and less for it," Paladino said.With three quarters of the vote counted, Paladino led Lazio 64 percent to 36 percent   a margin much wider than suggested in recent polling.Erie County GOP Chairman noted the long odds of the struggle, which began on the same stage five months ago."They said it pandora rings canada couldn't be done, ladies and gentleman," he said. "They said he's governing by insult. Ladies and gentleman, Carl Paladino won this campaign because he's been saying the things on the campaign trail that you all have been saying in pandora outlet your living rooms. This is an historic night."Paladino went on to outline his plan to cut taxes and spending, and to "clean up the cesspool of corruption so the government serves pandora sale the people once more.""Tomorrow morning begins the toughest part of this campaign, the longest haul, the hardest lift, and I'm going to need every single one of you," he said, pointing. "We're going to rebuild New York together."Paladino's event at Ellicott Square attracted men in suits and women in fine jewelry, as well as contractors and guys in jeans, one of whom, , 55, was wearing two stapled pandor bracelets together."It feels great," the Buffalo man said, even though he couldn't vote for Paladino because he's not an enrolled Republican. Paladino "doesn't need this job, so he won't do any favors for anybody. He's doing it for his children, for my children, for your children."Troy Mayor was pandora uk sale present for the festivities."I like what he has to say," said Tutunjian, who endorsed Paladino on Sunday. "The people of New York have heard it all. They've heard about reform, about tax cuts. He's the guy who can deliver."In Manhattan, Lazio gave a brief concession speech. "We wish we had a different outcome, but we're proud of the quality and character of this campaign," he said.
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